To overview


In Günther Domenig’s work, there is an inextricably close relationship between physicality and utopia, which overlap in many projects and feed off each other. One is reflected in the other. Sketches of the Z‑Sparkasse in Vienna, for example, are reminiscent of the skeleton of a strange vertebrate creature, while the organic structure of the interior of the multi-purpose hall at the School Sisters in Graz-Eggenberg recalls a uterus.

Paws and fingers protrude from the buildings, sometimes subtly, sometimes clearly extending into the space. The hand as a representative of genuine creation – very present in Günther Domenig’s drawing work – becomes a defining architectural feature. Both the Z‑Sparkasse complex and the conversions of the Humanic branches (especially in Vienna), but also the Steinhaus itself are determined by this motif; they seem to want to step out of the row of surrounding architecture or appropriate the space through the gesture of grasping”.

Many of Domenig’s buildings have a subtle recalcitrance that is difficult to put into words. Some seem to go against their intended function, others against the plans of the clients or the wishes of the users: actors refused to rehearse on their rehearsal stage. The institutes

of the Faculty of Architecture in Graz – apart from Domenig’s own – will never move into the building planned for them. The former bank branch became a suitcase shop, then vacant. It is uncleanable, the owner once remarked in an aside. One might think that these buildings are useless”. But a closer look reveals how they soak up their environment and change it. Almost as if they were living organisms. They do not only fulfil a function, they also have a life of their own that forces us to rethink our notions of usability and function.


  • Zentralsparkasse, Wien, 1976–1979

    GÜNTHER DOMENIG © Photo: Gerhard Maurer, 2022 Günther Domenig received an invitation to design a branch of the Z‑Sparkasse in the Vienna Favoriten district during the construction at the Schulschwestern. It came directly from Karl Vak, the bank’s director at that time. (During this period, not only were other branches realised by renowned archit…
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  • Wooden Jetty at the Steinhaus, Steindorf at Lake Ossiach, 1976–1981

    GÜNTHER DOMENIG The wooden jetty at the Steinhaus is the first action takes Günther Domenig with respect to the occupation of his grandmother’s property. The jetty does not lead from the shore into the lake, but rather out of the water and onto the land. A complicated structure, a built oscillation, a possessive gesture and an object to climb on …
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  • Humanic Alser Straße, 1978 - 1980

    GÜNTHER DOMENIG © Photo: Gerhard Maurer, 2022 After the Z‑Sparkasse, Günther Domenig worked for a number of years on the conversion of several branches of the Humanic shoe retail chain. Humanic was early to use the potential of the artistic and architectural avantgarde in their marketing, and the first to do so consistently – their advertisemen…
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  • Multipurpose Hall at the Schulschwestern, Graz-Eggenberg, 1974–1979

    GÜNTHER DOMENIG/ EILFRIED HUTH © Photo: Gerhard Maurer, 2022 The unusual and unique multipurpose hall of the Schulschwestern in Graz is in many respects central to Günther Domenig’s view of architecture and also to his self-definition as an artist and architect. Initially, the project was still based on a design developed with Eilfried Huth, bu…
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Viele Architekturkritiker hielten diese Hand, die den Bau von innen zu tragen, gleichsam aus dem Nichts zu ziehen scheint, für überflüssige Übertreibung. Für Kitsch. Ist es nicht. Es ist ein Symbol für einen Paradigmenwechsel in der modernen Architektur, für die Wiederherstellung der archety…
—Jan Tabor, Architekturkritiker
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Das STEINHAUS ist ein eigenwilliger Baukörper, der einen dynamischen Puls erzeugt. Die äußeren Wände, die Außenhaut des Hauses, atmen. Günther Domenig sah seine Architekturen nicht als abgeschlossene Systeme, sondern als durchlässige Texturen. So definiere ich auch menschliche Körper.
—Doris Uhlich, Choreografin
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Margherita Spiluttini: Humanic Alser Straße // AZW
One of the few female positions within the Austrian architectural photography scene is Margherita Spiluttini. She portrayed countless projects by architects all over the world – including a number of Domenigs’. In 1981 she portrayed the Humanic shoe shop in the Viennese Alser Straße, completed in …
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Margherita Spiluttini: Zentralsparkasse Wien // AZW
One of the few female positions within the Austrian architectural photography scene is Margherita Spiluttini. She portrayed countless projects by architects all over the world – including a number of Domenigs’. 1980 and 1982 she photographed the relatively new Zentralsparkasse in Vienna/​Favouriten…
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Die Zweigstelle von Favoriten war ein extremes, skulpturales, vieldiskutiertes Meisterstück der Grazer Schule‘, auch eine kulturelle Herausforderung auf Wiener Boden.”
—Friedrich Achleitner, Kritiker
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Günther Domenig (ist) im Gespräch: Peter Noever und Andrea Schurian
Günther Domenig (ist) im Gespräch: Peter Noever und Andrea Schurian
25.08.2022 Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten Andrea Schurian und Peter Noever im Gespräch Im Gespräch wird von den beiden Gesprächspartnerinnen die Relevanz Günther Domenigs für die Architekturentwicklung in Österreich besprochen und zugleich der Versuch unternommen eine internationale Verortung vorz…
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